This webinar will discuss the benefits of institutionalizing and implementing a robust expense allocation policy, review industry best practices and explore case studies of funds that have found success using automated expense management. IVP subject matter experts also discussed how to implement immediate checks and controls, fix leaks and how to best focus on low effort, high-value targets.
- Common challenges facing the industry
- Expense allocation best practices
- How to achieve automation and remove discretion
- Key benefits of possessing a robust expense allocation policy
- Case study examples
- Preview of a fully automated expense management and allocation model
Key Takeaways
- Best practical methods to implement an expense allocation policy
- Examples and benefits of successfully automating an expense allocation system
Expense Allocation Solution
This expense allocation solution helps asset managers improve accuracy and efficiency, reduce the risk of errors, and guarantee compliance. It ensures that in-house teams can process most allocations swiftly, allowing them to focus more on exception handling. Accounts payable and expense allocations are also tracked by the platform through customizable reports. Additionally, it offers easy-to-set-up invoice approvals and maintains a detailed audit trail for approvals, rejections, and changes.
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