With an integrated front-to-back platform, private debt funds can improve investor transparency and reporting, reduce costs and manage complexity, among other benefits. Learn how IVP for Private Funds can help.
Private debt is in a position of strength as the world embraces the post-COVID recovery with momentum. Now presented with untapped areas of opportunity, fund managers must conquer the operational challenges standing in the way of maximizing their returns.
Addressing this, our recent webinar with LPGP Connect detailed how GPs can use technology and digital-first managed services to increase transparency, reporting and monitoring. In the webinar, Indus Valley Partners’ (IVP) CEO Gurvinder Singh examined the current landscape and growing attractiveness of the asset class as funds entered the year with a record store of dry powder. However, Singh pointed to one overarching challenge, “Fundamentally, [managers] are being asked to evaluate deals faster, and most of them have ended up with what we call ‘broad islands of technology’ that are not connected.”